What to do if you want to check before placing an order:
If you want to check if and when an order can be delivered please feel free to either email info@snooza.co.za, or send us a What’s App message on 082 499 0440. Let us know the following:
1. Which colour/fabric you want
2. Which density foam
3. How many you want
4. Where you need delivery to
5. When you need delivery by

We can then accurately let you know.

We are always open!
SNooZA will stay open throughout the Christmas season but between the 22nd December & the 8th January we will be working as needed. Our courier company will however not be open on Weekends & Public holidays.

Skeleton staff:
We will be running a skeleton staff compliment between the 22nd December and the 8th January. This means it might take us a little longer than usual to get back to you but never longer than a few hours. We will also only bring in staff a few mornings a week to get those last minute urgent orders out. We will always do our best to ensure you get your order when required.

Delivery days:
The Courier Guy don’t normally deliver on weekends but sometimes they take it upon themselves to deliver during these times to help get through the enormous amount of deliveries they have. As a rule, they are closed on public holidays. If they don’t find you home they will call or they will attempt to deliver again.

Deliveries outside of the Cape Town area.
Because SNooZA is based in Cape Town, there are days that the long haul trucks dont run which means delivery to other areas outside of Cape Town is impossible. Please check with us on Whats App or on email if a delivery to you will be possible over the festive season ie between the 22nd December to the 3rd January 2024.

Turnaround times:
Currently we are managing to get orders out anything from 48 hours to 10 consecutive days depending on stock availability & where you need delivery to.
If you place an order please let us know when you need it by on the order under “Special instructions” so we can try to ensure you get it timeously.

Stock availability
All our suppliers close from the 15th December  until the 11th January. This means It could also be that we are out of stock of some items. Please What’s App us to check availability.

Please feel free to call, email or What’s App us if you have any queries: Info@snooza.co.za / 082 499 0440

Merry Christmas everyone.

The SNooZA Team

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